The Illuminative Way
The Illuminative Way
At the end of the purgative way, the beginners start to know themselves and God in the teachings of the Bible. Their love of God is proportionate to their soul’s knowledge of Him. And as they reach a closer understanding of God, they are rewarded with a deeper love of Him. The mind becomes more enlightened to the practice of virtue. At this point the nature of humans takes over and they become full of spiritual greed and unconscious pride, which become an obstacle to their progress. This leads to the need for a second conversion.
The soul begins to know and love God, but still loves itself in an unhealthy imperfection. Therefore, God withdraws his grace from the beginner and creates an internal crisis in order to push him to the next level. This crisis causes the beginner to reject their love of self and the prideful ways of their past and love God with their whole heart, soul and mind. Many do not pass through this crisis; but the soul that accepts the Living Flame of the Holy Spirit, which burns within it, can pass through the illuminative way and progress to the unitive way armed with the virtue of hope.
At the end of the purgative way, the beginners start to know themselves and God in the teachings of the Bible. Their love of God is proportionate to their soul’s knowledge of Him. And as they reach a closer understanding of God, they are rewarded with a deeper love of Him. The mind becomes more enlightened to the practice of virtue. At this point the nature of humans takes over and they become full of spiritual greed and unconscious pride, which become an obstacle to their progress. This leads to the need for a second conversion.
The soul begins to know and love God, but still loves itself in an unhealthy imperfection. Therefore, God withdraws his grace from the beginner and creates an internal crisis in order to push him to the next level. This crisis causes the beginner to reject their love of self and the prideful ways of their past and love God with their whole heart, soul and mind. Many do not pass through this crisis; but the soul that accepts the Living Flame of the Holy Spirit, which burns within it, can pass through the illuminative way and progress to the unitive way armed with the virtue of hope.